Friday, July 16, 2010

Essay Three Ideas

There are, and have been, many totalitarian governments. They usually thrive for many years. I do not understand why. Why, when people are miserable and being controlled and oppressed do they stand by and allow the current situation to continue? How do these governments even rise to power to begin with? Then, once they are in place, even though the people hate them, they still stand by and support them even serve them! How come, even though the people outnumber the government and armed forces they will not take a stand? These are things that I want to learn because it seems that these governments rise to power too often and I do not understand why. We are not so numb to the world that we can’t see what is going on, so why?
I plan to take a look at different real government groups that have managed to assume total power, such as Iran or the Nazis, and compare the events leading up to the transformation of the government to the events in The Handmaid’s Tale. I hope to learn more about the thinking and lives of the oppressed. Through this I may be able to connect with many of Atwood’s characters better, not only Offred, but also Nick, the Commander, Aunt Lydia, and Serena Joy.
In addition, I would like to explore the roles of women in oppressed societies.

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